Resources for Writers

A random list of oldies but goodies

Books about writing and writers have always fascinated me, especially the ones filled with personal experiences of those who found occupation in the world of words. And then there are the grammar books written by people who are passionate about the details. Here are a few of my favorites, many of them decades old, which is one reason why I love them.


Books by Bill Bryson (his infectious humor makes using language well a treat)

Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Lynne Truss (priceless!)

If You Want to Write: A Book About Art, Independence and Spirit by Brenda Ueland (my all-time favorite)

In Love with Norma Loquendi by William Safire (filled with personal experiences of the word maven)

Mark Twain on Writing and Publishing (an excellent compilation of Twain’s wisdom)

Oxymoronica: paradoxical wit and wisdom from history’s greatest wordsmiths by Dr. Mardy Grothe (a book to stimulate your literary juices)

Sleeping Dogs Don’t Lay: Practical Advice for the Grammatically Challenged by Richard Lederer & Richard Dowis (This book can save you from considerable embarrassment.)

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron (I still like her first book the best for freeing up your unique creativeness.)

On Writers and Writing by John Gardner (brilliant samples of stellar critical writing)

On Writing Well by William Zinsser (key to writing non-fiction that people will enthusiastically read)

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg (still some of the best basic advice for any writer)


Also… Offers lots of excellent tips and current articles.