Reflections on Ineffable Love
from loss through grief to joy
A book of hopes and dreams, of visions and ecstasies, of peaks and valleys, of trials and triumphs and of a connection between two hearts—one in this world and one in the next.
While I have walked the rough road of loss and grief from the passing of my beloved husband and twin flame, Stephen, many experiences have proved to me again and again that love is not only stronger than death, love transcends death.
In the midst of the worst thing ever to occur in my life, I made an amazing discovery. Although Stephen was no longer alive on earth—enfolded in the profound love we still shared, our souls were able to communicate through the veil separating this world and the next.
This is the path of ineffable love I am blessed to walk with my beloved’s presence alive in my heart. For, truly, have I come to know that loss is for our learning, grief is for our transformation and the joy that birthed us in the beginning is waiting to welcome us Home to realms of light.
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Reading of introductory poem When Grief Departs
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