The Poetess
An inspired, unpublished poem by Cheryl
A storyteller-mystic
tender of souls,
an innocent though worldly one
both lover and beloved
Irish bard and troubadour—
an actress who since ancient times
has vividly portrayed
what others long to learn.
Wise as a crone,
though living young,
a helper and a healer
who may, on occasion, lose her way
in the shadow of others’ purposes
yet a pillar of strength
when she reaches high enough
and deep enough
to let go all other voices
except the holy one that sings perpetually
of compassion and forgiveness
in the secret chambers of her heart.
A finisher, she is—
who dares to persevere to journey’s end,
wearing a moss-green cloak
that shimmers violet within
and gives off flecks of gold
as she walks toward a peach-hued sky
kissed with ruby light
and the deep cobalt of starry space.
Home is what calls her now,
even as she sings its song
to all she meets
not ashamed to be so bold—
for some will recognize the tune today,
though others will require
many sunsets before they feel
its urging in their hearts
to head West
into the twilight
where worlds entwine
as lovers do,
where veils dissolve,
and all is unified
into unspeakable bliss.