Reflections on Creating Your Luminous Life: Self-Transcendence from the Inside Out

Journey to the Heart of Self-Transcendence

In this third volume of her Wise Inner Counselor series, award-winning author, mystical poet, and inspirational teacher Cheryl Lafferty Eckl shares her unique, inside-out approach to becoming who you really are.

She reveals insights into a positive psychology that honors your humanity through a dynamic partnership with your True Self—your Wise Inner Counselor.

This unfailing presence offers you an expanded awareness of the truth of your being, an ability to love more selflessly, and a foundation of healthy self-esteem that increases as you work with the inner guide who wants only the best for you.

Cheryl invites you to join her on a journey to the heart of self-transcendence that can ignite your inner wisdom within a universe of divine compassion that will enlighten and empower you. 

Your luminous life awaits.

“A profound study of living fully & authentically.”  -Dr. James Lee Haner, PMP

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Titles in Self-Transcendence with Your Wise Inner Counselor series

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All titles are published as softbound books and available to purchase by going to the individual book page. Audiobooks available for select titles.