Searching for the Perfect Love of Twin Flames
An opportunity offered to each of us
I have written extensively about the twin-flame relationship because I was blessed to experience it personally with my late husband, Stephen. In that light, I would like to share with you a meditation on the mystery of twin flames that is dear to my heart.
Radiant Life, Radiant Love
We dream of love. We sing of love. We thrill to the metaphor of love in ballroom dancing and pairs ice skating. We may not admit it, but in our heart of hearts even the least romantic among us may long to be half of a divine partnership.
For we are made of love. From the Eros of our parents who conceived the body we wear and also from the pure beingness of Love whose offspring we have been since the beginning.
The Promise We Did Not Keep
Way back when (before we knew to count time), our souls were created in a single orb of light that divided into two identities containing the same essential soul blueprint.
We took our leave of unity and forged separate paths with the promise that we would always come back to each other—a promise we found difficult to keep. In fact, we probably have been apart more often than we have smiled across the dinner table at the face of our beloved other half.
Such is the journey of our souls. We are twins who share the same original blueprint but who may have built very different identities from the same foundation. Even when we find each other, the going may be tough, as the struggle to discover who we are as a united pair challenges us to the core of who we are as individuals.
Giving All to Love
Perfect love does exist when we let it emerge from the inside, when we allow inner guidance to transform us into our most authentic Self, and when we choose to give all to Love so we may receive all in return.
This is the opportunity offered to each of us to ascend the mountain of wholeness on the trek we began long ago. When we surrender our egoic struggles, the summit can be attained. For that is where the ultimate reunion of twin flames is found and where perfect Love lasts forever.
Although we may not meet in the physical, our souls will feel the connection.
Excerpted from Reflections on Creating Your Luminous Life: Self-Transcendence from the Inside Out

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